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4 Hidden Gems in Healthcare

The vast majority of healthcare and medical students enter an accredited school fastened on being a common physician. However, there are numerous alternative occupations worth investigating. With fields spanning from space psychologists to medical illustrators, it is imperative to gain a comprehensive picture of medicine for all its aspects and purposes.


Psychology is intricate and complex and the range of the human mind is indefinable; space psychologists work with astronauts to understand their complex work and observe if it has any influence on their mental processes. When the common individual hears the term psychology, their mind travels to clinical or cognitive psychology, rather than the numerous branches of it.

A space psychologist has several key responsibilities and obligations.

  1. Execute psychological examinations on space personnel.

  2. Assist in the development and implementation of space personnel training programs.

  3. Determine how working in space impacts an individual's cognitive and mental processes and to what extent the impact is.

  4. Counsel space personnel before/after/during a flight or important task.


Art therapists, according to the American Art Therapy Association, are individuals who “work with people of all ages across a broad spectrum of practice,” (About Art Therapy). Art therapy aggregates a creative process with psychological theories to fabricate a treatment plan effective for children, adolescents, young adults, middle adults, and senior citizens.

An art therapist has numerous responsibilities and duties he/she must fulfill.

  1. Conduct art therapy utilizing visual art (painting, ceramics, sculpting) and appraise the meaning behind them.

  2. Work with other healthcare professionals to determine and establish individualized treatment plans for the patient.

  3. Use therapeutic practices to counsel patients and family, and keep detailed patient notes regarding progress.


Clinical social work is a subcategory of social work defined by the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) as an “area of social work which focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness, emotional, and other behavioral disturbances…” (National Association of Social Workers (NASW)). Clinical social workers work in various settings encompassing private practices, hospitals, community centers, and agencies to provide care. What do clinical social workers do?

Clinical social workers have a myriad of obligations as listed below.

  1. Analyze and observe patient behavior, and collaborate with other healthcare practitioners to effectively construct a treatment strategy.

  2. Diagnose and work to treat psychological, behavioral, and emotional disorders.

  3. Conduct research and advocate for public resources available for patients


Medical illustration refers to the career field in which professional illustrators use their accelerated education in medicine and art & design to translate complex medical information into visual diagrams. A singular medical illustration is a visual representation that accurately and satisfactorily conveys biological information, greatly facilitating patients. Medical illustrators are used in publications, textbooks, patient education, and continuing medical education (CME), museums, and television.

The principal duties of a medical illustrator are far-reaching and significant.

  1. Produce artwork for posters and patient information brochures to convey prevention diagnosis, treatment data effectively.

  2. Utilize 3D animation software to complete their tasks efficiently.

  3. Work in several settings encompassing hospitals, medical schools, and establishments.

Healthcare is characterized as a diverse field, each healthcare professional brings a unique set of skills to the job. It is crucial to investigate all careers you are interested in rather than just settling on one. Explorehealthcareers is a phenomenal website to examine future occupations.


"About Art Therapy." American Art Therapy Association. Web. 24 Apr. 2021.





"Art Therapist Job Description." Betterteam. Web. 24 Apr. 2021.


"Career Explorer." 12 May 2017. Web. 25 Apr. 2021.

"Careers." AMI. Web. 24 Apr. 2021.


"National Association of Social Workers (NASW)." NASW - National Association of Social

Workers. Web. 24 Apr. 2021.

"What Licensed Social Workers Do: All Psychology Schools." 26

Oct. 2020. Web. 24 Apr. 2021.


"Who Is a Space Psychologist?" Educate & Inspire | Space Awareness. Web. 24 Apr. 2021.




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