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6 Reasons Why You Should Join the National Junior/ National Honor Society

The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) and the National Honor Society (NHS) are two of the country’s most prestigious organizations for students of high merit. NJHS is for middle schoolers and NHS is for high schoolers. But, what do they do and why should you join?

Many students have these questions when they receive an invitation to apply and most come up with one answer. “It looks good for college.”

While that may be true, there is a lot more than what meets the eye when it comes to the benefits of becoming members of these distinguished groups.

Today, we’re going to talk about why and how membership will truly benefit you!

  1. Emphasis on Service

Serving your community is a big part of both organizations, and every chapter has a specific number of hours you have to complete every quarter.

Volunteering also comes with many perks, especially if you start early.


  • Helps your social skills by teaching you to network and build connections.

  • Allows you to meet other like-minded people.

  • Increases your self-confidence/self-esteem, as you are learning to help people you have never met before.

Through membership in these groups, you will get regular opportunities to better the world and learn important skills that you will use throughout your life.

  1. Scholarships/ College Applications

Both NJHS and NHS offer opportunities to get scholarships for college.

NJHS has The Outstanding Achievement Award which gives 500 dollars to 500 middle schoolers across the country to “jump-start their quest toward higher education”

NHS has The NHS Scholarship which gives over 2 million dollars to deserving high school students which they can put towards college.

Even if you do not receive any of the above scholarships, it will be a great addition to your college application and make you stand out from the rest of the applicants.

  1. Opportunities to Build Leadership Skills

Both organizations come together to host annual state summits and LEAD conferences (Leadership, Experience, And Development).

State summits are held specifically for members in their home states and provide opportunities for mentorship, networking, collaboration, and skill building.

Members also get a chance to meet successful role models, hear inspiring speeches, and learn more about their communities.

During LEAD Conferences, members of both NHS and NJHS hone their leadership skills and network with each other. They are held around 3 times a year.

  1. Financial Aid Planning/Preparation for College

Both NHS and NJHS proudly provide their members with information on how to get into the college of their dreams.

They do this through:

  • A series of webinars on college applications/admissions and planning

  • A Mini-Website called Honor Your Future Now

  • #Futuready, which are tools that assist students in working towards their goals

  • Step by Step Guides on Preparation for College

  • Scholarship Search Tools

  • Financial Aid Advisors

  1. Networking and Friendships

You don’t have to wait to start collaborating and networking with like-minded peers.

Being a part of NJHS and NHS will introduce you to people who not only academically excel, but have incredible character and compassion.

Who knows, you might just meet your best friends for life!

  1. Gives You Opportunities to Make Your School A Better Place

I’m sure there have been many instances where you thought, I don’t like the way this is done at my school or What if our school had…..

Being a part of these organizations gives you the opportunity to take that to the next level and meet other people who have ideas of their own that you can help them with.

In conclusion, there are many advantages to being a part of the National Junior Honor Society and National Honor Society. From scholarships to opportunities of a lifetime, you should consider joining not only as a resume addition but because it will truly benefit you and give you an experience that you will remember forever.


8 Benefits of the National Honor Society (NHS)- The University of the People

How NJHS Benefits You- NJHS Official Website

Is the National Honor Society Worth It?-Scholarships 360

The NJHS Outstanding Achievement Award- NJHS Official Website

The NHS Scholarship- NHS Official Website

How (And Why) To Get Into The National Honor Society- College Vine

#Futuready- NHS Official Website

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