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7 Websites To Help You Ace Your Research Paper

By Deniel Floria

Instagram: @buk0pandenn_

Research is not an easy task. For many students, writing a research paper can be arduous. They tend to shy away from writing the title to gathering literature and expanding it in their paper. Finding relevant articles and literature to support one's research is the longest and most difficult process. From reading articles to verifying their credibility, students must spend a lot of their energy and focus on the meat of their research. As the digital space has offered a platform to gather knowledge, a lot of them are under a subscription lock, which means that anyone who wants to go through an article or research work must first pay the price of subscribing for a month or a year.

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Here are seven websites to help you find credible sources for your research paper! (P.S. Most of them provide open, free access!)

If you are targeting an academic-intensive approach to your research, then Google Scholar is your best bet! It provides research in almost all fields, one click away. However, it is important to note that not all papers in Google Scholar are free, but you can always use the text preview and derive from there.

SSRN provides up-to-date research papers mostly in humanities and social sciences. A lot of them are still in progress or are working papers, but they are still useful if you want a less bustling process of gathering information or literature for your research. was established by Cornell University and provides research in hard sciences like mathematics and physics.

Not everyone enjoys reading for hours. Besides that, it is undeniably hard to keep a record of everything read, which is vital in writing a research paper. With that, TED brings not just essays but videos with credible people talking about information that can be cited in a research paper.

HighWire was established by Stanford University and provides research articles in natural and social sciences.

Open DOAR was established by the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom and is a fortress of database research in almost all fields.

For a more health-allied and medicine-related research paper, PubMed provides thousands of research works from the U.S. National Institutes of Health's database.

For more websites, you can refer to this website.

Writing a research paper may be hard, but it will surely help the student in you be more analytical and diligent. Knowing where to find credible sources when writing your research paper is a great start!



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