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  • Writer's pictureRiya

Career Spotlight: Pediatrician

A pediatrician is a medical doctor and a standard practitioner. Unlike other physicians, they provide mental, social, and physical care for infants, toddlers, and adolescents. They observe the growth of a child in several ways after specialization and rigorous education. An adult may bring in a child with a temperature of 103.1 and extreme nausea, the numerous simple tests for diagnosis or referral to another healthcare provider. A medical field omitting pediatricians would not function effectively.


1. Undergraduate School

The four years of undergraduate schooling do not have to be solely in science, it can be in virtually any subject as long as the required classes are taken and a sturdy science GPA is maintained.

2. Medical School

The next four years of a future pediatrician are abounding in internships, rotations, and shadowing experience. To enroll in medical school, they must take the MCAT, have strong letters of recommendation, and leadership qualities.

The first two years of medical school consist of classroom learning with courses like anatomy, pharmacology, psychology, ethics, and more. The last two years of medical school consist of supervised rotations and gaining substantial experience in the ailment of disease.

Upon graduating medical school you will obtain an M.D (Doctor of Medicine) or D.O (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine).

You will also need to pass a licensure examination; this determines the scope of your practice and gives you “permission” to be in the healthcare field.

3. Internship and Residency

The general Pediatric Residency takes three years; beware as this encompasses sleepless nights, long hours of studying, and working with senior physicians and patients.

However, one can specialize in a plethora of subjects including:

  • Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine

  • Adolescent/Young Adult

  • Pediatric Critical Care

  • Pediatric Emergency Medicine

  • Cardiology

  • Endocrinology

  • Gastroenterology

  • Infectious Disease

  • Nephrology

  • Pulmonology

  • Rheumatology

  • Hematology/Oncology

After Residency, a pediatrician can become board certified by the American Board of Pediatrics. This certification must be renewed every 7 years.


  1. Conduct examinations on all pediatric patients (contingent on specialization).

    1. Check for abnormality and physical/mental development.

  2. Ask the necessary questions and examine the patient to come to a diagnosis or conclusion.

  3. Prescribe and explain the administration of medication.

    1. Prescribe lab tests and explain the procedure and reasoning.

  4. Provide recommendations on diet, exercise, sleep, and overall health to parents.

  5. Keep and update patient records of illness, surgery, history, etc.

Overall Goals

  • Promote a healthy lifestyle

  • Reduce infant/child/adolescent mortality/morbidity

  • Control infectious disease

Treat and Diagnose

  • Infection/Disease

  • Injury

  • Abnormal cancerous/genetic growths

  • Behavioral and developmental disorders

  • Mental Disorders - anxiety/depression

Salary: $183,240

Growth: 2%

Skills: Empathy, Critical Thinking, Verbal/Written Communication, Tolerance

In conclusion, becoming a pediatrician will not be easy; it will be a ten-year road filled with hardships and obstacles. Nonetheless, you will get the opportunity to help kids and parents in need of medical attention and improve the quality of their lives.


Cassata, Cathy. “Pediatrician - Training, Education & Subspecialties: Everyday Health.”,

Stanborough, Rebecca Joy. “What Is a Pediatrician & How to Choose the Best One for Your

Child.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 8 Mar. 2019,

“What Are the Duties and Responsibilities of a Pediatrician?” -,



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