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Decluttering Tips for Students

For most students, having a messy and cluttered environment can hinder their productivity. With the recent wave of minimalism, only keeping the essential items will help you have a more organized space. Here are a few tips for how students can declutter.


Old reference books like encyclopedia sets or dictionaries are unnecessary nowadays since the content can be accessed on the internet. As for more niche school textbooks, you can sell them or give them to someone who might need them in the future if you finished using the book. When deciding whether to keep books that you read for fun, remember that the value of a book is how the story or the information affects you and what you learn from it. If you bought a book years ago that you still have not read, the chances are unlikely that you will actually read them, so donating or selling them might be the best option.

Notes & Papers

Usually, there are three sections when decluttering: papers that you want to keep, papers that you do not need anymore, and a middle area where you are unsure if you need them or not. If you cannot decide what to do with the notes, try to digitize them by scanning and uploading them to the cloud. This allows you to not have physical clutter in your space but still have them handy. If you choose to get rid of your papers, consider giving them to a friend who will be taking the class, selling them online, or recycling them as a last resort.


When debating on what stationery you need, remember to only keep items that still give you joy. Get rid of pens that do not work anymore or pens that you dislike using. Additionally, declutter items that are part of an ideal study life if you have never actually used them since there is a low chance that you will practically use them.

Unnecessary Freebies

We do get offered a lot of different free things, whether they be at school, events, sports, or volunteering. You can reduce clutter by getting rid of and refusing free items that you do not want or need, such as pens, t-shirts, bags, and water bottles. A rule of thumb is if you would not go out and choose the item in the first place, try not to take it for free.

When decluttering, you are also practicing mindful consumerism. Being mindful can help decrease clutter while still helping the environment, therefore benefiting everyone.



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