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Frequently Asked Questions When Considering Psychology and Neuroscience Careers

The field of psychology is rapidly growing and has various avenues to explore. In a recent webinar, Dr. Rick Hoyle, a Psychology Professor and Researcher at Duke, answered frequently asked questions about the various psychology pathways to consider. The complete webinar, hosted by BeyondDreams and Psi Alpha, is on the BeyondDreams YouTube channel, but here are some of the mentioned tips and tricks!

How Can You Explore Psychology in High School?

One of the best ways to find your interest is by understanding the full breadth of the field of psychology. Starting with the internet can help you discover the psychology basics. For example, there is the neuroscience side (also known as bench science), such as taking brain slices and implanting them in animal brains. Another side is social psychology, where scientists seek to understand the origin of socialization and leadership characteristics. In order to get early experience with this type of field, Dr. Rick Hoyle recommends taking AP Psychology to gauge your interest.

Additionally, you can get a firsthand experience of psychology by researching with a professor. Dr. Hoyle explained that many high school students email professors to volunteer and help them out with research. This is a great way to understand the field without being committed long-term. Although some professors may not need some help, they can guide you to other research opportunities.

Minors That Can Compliment a Psychology Major

It is common to see people double majoring and minoring in psychology. For example, someone can have a major in psychology and a minor in marketing. This can allow them to move right into entry-level marketing positions as an undergrad. Either one of the degrees without the other would not have gotten them there. If they had just a marketing degree, their resume would not have been competitive. Having a psychology major allowed them to have a background in human behavior and the ability to read journal articles, which gave them a unique advantage.

Undergraduate students who wish to go to law, medical, or business school can benefit from a psychology major/minor since these fields require understanding what affects people's behaviors. For example, many people have a minor in neuroscience with the intention to go to medical school. This strong pairing of psychology and neuroscience can put you in a strong position since as a doctor, you need to understand behavioral aspects such as health and self-regulation.

How Fluid is the Field of Psychology?

Psychology is a field that is becoming increasingly fluid. Psychology-trained people are finding their ways in various sectors, such as marketing, computer science, coding, and even social media.

The use of the mobile phone has greatly expanded the field of psychology and is used as an access to human behavior. For example, people can use mobile phones to collect data about people's feelings 90 days after election night.

In conclusion, having psychology on your resume makes it look like you not only have a strong background in human behavior and how it works, but the minor shows how you can use and implement that information. Whether you want to go into the psychology field or want to incorporate those skills in another field, psychology is a largely versatile career option to explore.



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