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Get Anything You Want By Using Psychology (Yes, Anything)

Updated: Jan 29, 2022

Do you ever wish you could go into your teacher’s brain and just make them give you a good grade? Do you long to be known as one of the brightest students in your class? This is attainable for everyone, and this goal can be reached with the art of psychology. Here are some different methods from credible sources to get the acknowledgement in school that you deserve.

What is Psychology?

First of all, psychology is a widely diverse field that captures the study of human thought, behavior, development, personality, emotion, and more. There are multiple branches of psychology, including clinical, cognitive, development, and quantitative psychology. These words may sound scary to you but truthfully, this term lives closer to you than you think: your brain. It is integral to understand the way psychology works and how it controls our everyday life because the more we gain an understanding of this field, the easier it will be for us as living beings to get through life effectively and efficiently.

Wait… We Can Control Other People’s Thoughts?

When trying to gain credibility and trust towards the individual you are trying to persuade, you will usually use the information manipulation theory. This theory involves the action of persuading someone through one of the four conversational maxims: quantity, quality, relation,

and matter. Quantity conveys that the statement you are sharing is complete. Quality shows that your information is truthful and accurate. Relations are the claim that the information you are sharing is relevant to the conversation at hand. Lastly, matter is the idea that your information is easy to understand, as well as being supported by your non- verbal communication to support your statement. Here’s an example to further simplify this theory. Let’s say that you got a bad grade on your history test. Your palms are sweating, you feel like passing out, and you are dribbling your leg up and down in pure fear. As you bring up the courage to talk to your teacher about retaking the test, you make your way over to her desk. It is quite apparent that you are unsure what to say based on your body language (arms being crossed, facing away from the individual, etc.), your unreadiness, and the expectation that she may say no to your request. With this in mind, that energy will be transferred to the teacher, letting her know that you may not be ready to retake the test, leading her to say no. Now, let’s imagine getting a bad grade on your math test. This time, you prepare what you are going to say by making sure to say complete statements, your statements will not include obvious tweaks to reality, you will stay on topic, and keep your arms open and free. This will immediately alert the teacher that you are ready and confident to take this test. Most times, they will say yes.

Prove It

Once you complete your task (getting what you want), you will need to do what you were asked. When doing this, it can be easy to get nervous or frustrated. There is only one thing you need to do: breathe. A great method is the four-seven-eight technique. Created by Dr. Andrew

Weil, this technique is a simple method to reduce anxiety in seconds. Although saying “just breathe” is cliche, it truly works. First, you breathe in through your nose for four seconds. Then, you hold your breath for seven seconds. Lastly, you breathe out for eight seconds. According to Weil, this technique is a “natural tranquilizer for the nervous system”. You can do this anywhere and anytime. This simple yet effective technique will bring you to a Zen state of mind, guaranteed to calm you down and perform well in whatever you need to do!

Final Thoughts

These different methods have worked for many individuals in life. Remember, it is all about your mindset! Learn to work for your success, and do it efficiently. You got this.


Lee, Kevan. “How to Use 10 Psychological Theories to Persuade People”. Fast Company, 8 May, 2014 , persuade-people.

Brennan, Dan. “What to Known about 4-7-8 Breathing”. WebMD, 9 June, 2021, 04%2D7%2D8%20breathing%20technique%20was%20developed%20by%20Dr,tran quilizer%20for%20the%20nervous%20system%22.



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