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How To Grow Your Small Business

Updated: Apr 18, 2021

Let’s say you have started your small business and it’s running pretty well; you have regular customers or revenue streams, and it is profitable. But you want to grow it to something larger; you want to maximize your business’ success or see it reach its potential. That’s great! But let’s keep some things in mind. First, It’s pivotal to know that the amount of your small business’s growth depends on your efforts by using various strategies and thinking outside of the box. It requires full time dedication and attention to every aspect of business from the hiring of employees to the launching of new products. Furthermore, It should also be noted that growing a small business is challenging. It doesn’t just happen overnight or over the span of a few days or weeks even. But here are several main steps you are strongly advised to take to keep your business growing in the direction of interest.

1.Either be all in or all out

As mentioned before, growing your business takes a tremendous load of effort. Are you ready to take up all the sweat and hard work for your business? Are you certain you will do whatever it takes to see the growth of your business? If, for example, you currently have other time commitments, it is best if you postpone this when you have enough resources, time, and energy. Doing so will not only increase your chance of growth but also allows you to have a confident, fresh state of mind to be fully attentive to all your important matters.

2.Understand your customers

You will only be able to see development in your business if you are able to comprehend the feedback of your customers. After all, they are the ones that make your business profitable. It is key to be able to fully communicate with your customers through social media surveys, product reviews and ratings, and research. Doing so allows you to be knowledgeable about the weaknesses and strengths in the point of view of the outside world; It is central to not only listen to your own outlook, as sometimes they can be extremely biased and narrow minded. Also, remember to always be open to all types of commentary—negative and positive. Otherwise, it will be very tough to see the growth of your business.

3.Improve customer service

Did you know that one of the prime reasons why worldwide chained store “Toys R Us” closed down was due to the appalling quality of customer service? Yep, apparently many customers were frustrated at the lack of communication and responsibility of its customer service system. Some said in the reviews, “I will never buy anything related to Toys R Us ever, ” another said, “I urge shoppers not to use this company as they are not trustworthy and the customer service is nonexistent.”

Having poor customer service will likely damage the reputation of your business and may break the bond between you and many of your regular customers, which means you may lose some of them. Typically, good customer service means providing helpful, attentive, upbeat service to a customer in order to make sure their needs are fulfilled in a manner that reflects a positive business attitude. It may also mean going that extra mile to assuage the customer so he or she is more likely to return.

4.Establish trustworthiness and loyalty

It is wonderful to have customers come in and purchase what your business offers, but it is even better to have regular customers who support your business. Having regular customers may mean that you have to form that sense of familiarity by allowing them to understand the unfair advantages that your competitors don’t offer. Some examples include a loyalty rewards program designed to render discounts and coupons, providing freebies on every purchase, and creating a warm, aesthetic atmosphere to attract your customers. Whatever it is, be sure that it is distinct from all of your competition; remember, you are offering something they don’t have!

5.Be on the lookout for societal and cultural trends for marketing

Nowadays, there are more and more different kinds of trends coming into place;they are coming in fast, and some even pop up overnight. It is absolutely insane that trends can move in and out lightning speed. You can be aware of these trends through keeping up with current news, influencers, Instagram feed, or just plain scrolling through TikTok everyday. The point is, spend some time on the media each day to observe what is becoming popular and what is becoming obsolete. Some past trends include fidget spinners, converses, and hoverboards. Some recent trends include indie music, smoothie bowls, and even that feta cheese pasta from TikTok. Regardless of whether it is a new hitting TV Show or a new glamorous fashion style, you can put it into advantage to attract more customers through various creative ways.

6.Use Social Media to the benefit of your business

Through so many technological advances throughout the years, it has become almost impossible to not use the media as a way to reach potential customers through different platforms. Social media is a powerful and useful tool for a plethora of reasons. First, you are able to reach and connect with thousands of users anywhere and anytime. Second, it helps you to engage with your followers through comments and DMs and allows everyone to feel heard. Third, It can also boost your degree of exposure through product sponsors, referrals, and advertisements. Lastly, it allows you to attract new customers without spending a lot of money or needing a lot of professional marketing skills. All of these benefits that come with using social media are available to you to help your business develop.

Now that you have read through all the prime steps to assist you in helping your business grow, take these into consideration as your business is progressing. This road is not going to be easy, but following these steps will certainly increase your chances of growth and make the hard work worth it in the long run. Never forget to always be flexible, open minded, and purposive. As Founder of Nike Phil Knight said, “Play by the rules, but be ferocious.”

Work Citations:

Kimberley, Desiree of, et al. “Toys R Us.” ConsumerAffairs,

Charles, Jeff. “9 Things You MUST Do Today to Grow Your Small Business.” Small Business Trends, 23 Jan. 2021,

Writer, MyPerfectResume Staff. “Define Excellent Customer Service.” My Perfect Resume, 12 Mar. 2021,



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