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Learning Outside the Classroom: 4 Strategies to Improve Your Child’s Education

Whether or not your kids love going to school, we can all agree on one fact: notebooks, book

bags, and whiteboards don’t equal education. In reality, there are many ways you can empower

your kids with the gift of education - that go way beyond a pop quiz. At BeyondDreams, we

believe that paving the path to success requires a holistic approach to learning. Here are four

strategies to expand your kid’s knowledge today.

1. Explore the World

Exposure is everything when it comes to kids. Travel offers abounding educational benefits,

whether it’s a day trip nearby or a long leisurely vacation. According to TinyBeans, travel allows

children to learn much about diversity, history, and geography. The unexpected hurdles that can

come up during journeys help them manage stress and anxiety while developing their problem-

solving abilities. Not to mention, traveling as a family is an excellent way to bond while sparking

curiosity and fresh conversation.

2. Art and Music

The science is in: Art of any kind is key to expanding your child’s mind. In addition to fostering

creativity, emotional development, observation, and modeling skills, art also offers many mental

benefits. For example, music works on the mind by positively stimulating both the right and left

sides of the brain. This can be highly beneficial for children struggling with math inside the

classroom or curiosity outside the classroom. Let your kids explore the joys of creativity by

learning an instrument or perhaps set up impromptu paint or writing sessions to help free their

minds - the benefits will be tenfold.

3. Hand over the Reigns

When it comes to education, kids can swing two ways on the pendulum - either feeling too

controlled by classes or entirely out of control in learning. While it is essential to guide your little

ones through their years of education, you do need to leave room for them to have their own

learning experiences. Let them pick out their outfit one day or choose their own topic to write

about for a school assignment. Essentially, letting kids learn from their decisions will be critical.

You can also do this by offering them resources on essential life skills (BeyondDreams offers

some great webinars on this topic) to further this element of their education.

4. The Outdoors Are Calling

The U.S. has a long history of a play-in-the-mud educational philosophy. Kids are active by

nature, and stimulating the active part of their mind and body is an excellent way to boost their

overall performance. Prioritize getting your kid outside - whether for a game of hide and seek, or

to look at worms and new plants, or even to study. According to an article in the Atlantic,

outdoor early education can help kids build strength, develop self-confidence and learn to

manage risks as they interact with the often unpredictable elements of the outdoors. And nature

reduces stress too - so getting outside just feels good. If your child starts spending more time

outside, installing a fence for security and privacy reasons will be necessary. Search ‘best fence

company near me’ on the Internet to find a competent professional near you. Labor costs range

between $30-$50 an hour, and the overall project expenses depend on variables like size and


Learning is a lifelong process. By encouraging questioning, analyzing, and discussing - both

inside and outside the classroom- you are helping your children kickstart a healthy relationship

with education. Improving early education will cultivate awareness and exposure beyond the

textbook for well-rounded and mentally curious children.

Preparation is half the battle in education. BeyondDreams offers student-led tutoring, webinars,

and seminars to help kids learn essential life skills often missed out on in school. Click here to

check out our programs or browse our blog for more helpful educational resources today.



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