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Pursuing Your Passion in Business During High School

Updated: Apr 18, 2021

There is no doubt that many high schoolers want to pursue a career in the field of business. When applying to business school, there are many different factors that colleges will consider: test scores, academics, course rigor, extracurriculars, etc. When it comes to extracurriculars, it is always a good idea to become involved in activities that fit your intended major. However, doing so can be difficult, as you may find yourself bewildered as to which activities you should become involved in. With that being said, here are some great extracurricular activities to consider if you are thinking about going into business.

School Clubs

Finding clubs within your school is one of the best ways to become involved since you can gain business experience and potentially gain leadership. However, remember that clubs vary from school to school, so some of the ones listed below may not be offered at your institution. If that is the case, it is always a great idea to consider founding your school’s chapter of the club.

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)

FBLA is one of the most prominent nationwide clubs that you can become involved in. Expanding to a large variety of activities, FBLA allows you to dip your toes in the field of business. FBLA essentially allows you to develop leadership in various fields and participate in academic competitions to further embellish your knowledge and commitment. Not only will partaking in these competitions offer you notable awards, but it will also allow you to make great high school experiences. The price to join FBLA may vary, so you can reach out to the advisor of your school’s chapter for more information regarding the registration process. The list of the competitive events offered can be found here.

DECA (Distributive Education Clubs of America)

DECA is a widely recognized program that allows high school students to become more involved in the various sectors of business. As a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit student organization, DECA has successfully reached all 50 states in America, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico, and Germany. In this club, you will develop teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills to help you further advance in your interests. If you are interested in learning more and competing in events pertaining to marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality, and management, consider joining DECA!

Business Professionals of America (BPA)

BPA is currently the nation’s leading Career Technical Student Organization, providing students with an effective way to develop different skills and gain experience in the field of business. In addition to offering multiple scholarships and awards, BPA offers competitions in over 90 different categories. These competitions will allow you to earn awards and exemplify your commitment and knowledge in business. For more information about BPA, click here.

National Business Honor Society

Are you looking for a way to demonstrate honor, commitment, and interest in business? If so, consider joining the National Business Honor Society! NBHS offers a multitude of events and divisions for students to exemplify their involvement in the field of business. The requirements to join are to have completed or being enrolled in your third business course and having a 3.0 GPA overall and a 3.5 GPA in your business courses, but each chapter may customize their requirements with a higher GPA and/or leadership requirements. If your school does not have an NBHS chapter, you can easily start one here.


In addition to clubs, there are many programs that you can become involved with outside of school. Participating in business programs will allow you to demonstrate an interest in business outside of the classroom, and doing so will also help you gain more experience and build more connections. Here are a few great programs to consider if you are interested in further becoming involved in the business field.

Launch X

Launch X is a program that aims to bring high school entrepreneurs together with the resources and network to pave the way for a career in entrepreneurship. The Launch X program is taking place from June 28 to July 30 and has a $5,980 program fee. As of right now, the application window has closed for the summer of 2021, but you are currently able to express interest in partaking in the 2022 program. By becoming involved with Launch X, you will be joining a diverse number of individuals who are passionate about the field of entrepreneurship. You will be able to take advantage of the resources offered to work with a team to build real products and solve business challenges.

UPenn Wharton Leadership in the Business World

Leadership in the Business World is an intensive summer program supported by the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. If you are accepted into the program, you will be able to work with a diverse array of high school juniors and seniors who are passionate about the field of business education and are looking for opportunities to demonstrate their leadership, communication, and teamwork skills. As of right now, the priority application deadline has ended for 2021, but you can always apply for the next one. Every summer, students in LBW attend lectures and presentations from the Wharton faculty and guest speakers, participate in discussions about business subjects, apply real-world business practices through simulations and competitions, visit business enterprises, speak with prominent leaders in the various fields of business, and more. If you are serious about the business industry, it is highly recommended that you consider applying to Wharton’s LBW.

Berkeley Business Academy for Youth

If you are curious about the necessary skills and experience to excel in business, have an idea for a potential start-up, or want to know if business is for you, consider partaking in the Berkeley Business Academy for Youth. Taking place at the top-ranked Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley, B-BAY merges high academic standards and high levels of engagement, creativity, innovation, and collaboration for students to truly succeed in the business field. This program takes place in the summer and lasts for two weeks. It is open to both middle and high-schoolers, so there will be many opportunities for you to consider taking part in the program. For those who are taking part in the Summer 2021 session, you can spend time with highly qualified staff, work in teams on business-related projects, and learn new skills pertaining to the various fields of business. The deadline to apply is currently still open, but it ends on April 1st at 5 pm PST, so it is recommended that you start on your application as soon as possible. For more information on the program and the application process, click here.

There is a multitude of ways to become involved in business both inside and outside of the classroom. From joining a school business club, to taking part in a prestigious and competitive program, there are many ways for high schoolers to learn more about the field of business and develop a wide array of skills to help them truly succeed in their future endeavors. If you are eager to learn more about the various fields of business, consider joining a school club or program.



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