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Safe Outdoor Activities to do During the Pandemic

Amidst the pandemic, it is difficult to return to things we used to do before the virus. However, there are many activities you can still enjoy, all the while being safe and happy. If you’re unvaccinated and coming in close contact with others, there is a high risk of being exposed to someone with the virus. While some activities are only possible during certain seasons, there are many where you can be active throughout the year. Get moving with these activities during the COVID-19 pandemic.

1. Biking

Biking is a safe activity that doubles as a great way to exercise. Many benefits include building strength and endurance. You could also bike with your friends and family from a safe distance.

2. Fitness classes, held outside or virtual

When taking classes with others, make sure to be socially distanced and wear your mask to and from the class. Virtual fitness classes are an amazing way to be safe and get a workout in the comfort of your own home.

3. Walking/running

This is something you can do either on your own or with your friends or family. Running is enjoyable because you can strengthen your bones and help maintain a healthy weight. Stay around a small group of people who have been vaccinated or socially distanced to enjoy a nice walk or run.

4. Fishing

Fishing is a fun leisure activity and a nice nature experience. Being quarantined at home can be suffocating, so go out and enjoy some time fishing with the sun on your face. Fishing is also a great way to bond with those you may have lost contact with during the virus or in general. Enjoying a day on the water can help strengthen and grow your relationship, in addition to being socially distanced or vaccinated.

5. Picnics

Pack some homemade food or pick up takeout from your favorite restaurant. Take it to enjoy at your local park or eat out on your patio. Either way, you can enjoy some fresh air with your favorite food.

6. Camping

Camping is considered low-risk under the presumptions that you are only in close contact with those you live with. If you choose to camp with others who do not live with you, camp in separate tents and avoid sharing appliances and be six feet apart. Be sure to pack hand sanitizer and supplies to clean and disinfect areas.

7. Swimming pool/ beach

Water itself does not spread the virus, so it is only risky if you are unvaccinated. If you still choose to do this, then it is recommended to be socially distanced from those around you.

8. Barbecue/campfire

Grill your favorite meats and vegetables and enjoy your meal in the cool weather. Make sure to maintain social distance and keep your gathering small.

9. Sports

Sports like tennis and golf are low-risk because players can maintain a safe distance from one another. Be sure to wear a mask in crowded areas and use hand sanitizer when you are finished playing. Contact sports like wrestling are risky to people who have not been vaccinated.

10. Small group gathering

If you are planning to invite people who are not from your household, allow social distancing and do not make contact with the people who are not vaccinated. Plan activities that do not require close contact and have fun. Chatting at a safe distance is valuable time and will boost your disposition.

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, it is salient to maintain precautions even if you are vaccinated. Make sure to continue washing your hands often, wearing a mask, and avoiding contact less than six feet. It has been a tumultuous time, but ensure continuing to stay in contact with friends and family who will bring joy to your life. With the right information, you can associate with your friends while being safe and healthy.





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