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Studying for AP Exams

Juggling the workload from school and studying for AP exams may be difficult given the current circumstances of today’s world. Having to stay on top of your grades while also revising the content you have learned in your AP classes through the year can certainly be stressful. However, there are many ways that you can ensure that you do well on your AP Exams without having to stress yourself out too much.

What do you need to know?

Make sure you establish what content you need to learn, study, and know for the AP exam. Take a look at your syllabus for your class and on the college board website, check the exam description and course syllabus. This will help you get familiar with the concepts that you will need to study and go over.

Start Studying Early

Starting to study is crucial, especially if you are dealing with multiple APs. Though it is frightening and overwhelming to think about the amount of content you need to study, it is easier to get through all of it when you have more time. This also goes hand in hand with creating a study plan that helps you achieve your goal score.

Create a Study Plan

Study plans help you keep your priorities straight and allow you to see that studying for a lot of APs and a lot of content is achievable. Taking five minutes at the beginning of the week to assign one AP to study per day goes a long way. It is also crucial to know how to divide up each class’ content into the weeks remaining until the AP exam.

The following link contains a sample study plan that may help you understand how to organize your time:

Practice tests (taking a benchmark assessment)

Taking practice tests and simulating the testing environment helps you get accustomed to how the actual AP exam is going to be. For the most part, AP exams will be online, but timing is important to keep in mind.

Taking a benchmark assessment is also important because it helps you see what content you already know and don’t need to study as much as concepts you may miss on the practice test.




The Princeton Review

Barron’s AMSCO


  • Talk to friends, family, teachers, or counselors to figure out what learning style is right for you. Finding your learning style helps you study faster and more efficiently while retaining information better

  • Prepare for all question types: multiple-choice, FRQ, DBQ, LEQ, etc…

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help! Find a friend to study with or ask your teacher to help you write or grade your essay answers!

  • Don't forget to review! Once you study a concept, don't forget to go back to it once in a while and refresh your memory



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