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Summer Jobs For Youth

Summer is on its way. It’s going to be here before you know it, so it’s time to start making plans. You may consider getting a summer job, and there are numerous job opportunities available for teens and youth that you should definitely consider applying for. Summer jobs have a variety of benefits for the individual participating and the community they impact.

Job Opportunities

During the summer, there are so many easy jobs for teens and youth. These include mowing lawns, washing cars, babysitting, and pet sitting. Reach out to neighbors and families to tell them you are interested and available. If you are good with kids, you could also consider working at a summer camp as a counselor or part of the activity staff. For those who are interested in sports, kids sports organizations will need coaches and umpires. Many teens work at a pool or beach over the summer, and these outdoor areas usually hire lifeguards and beach monitors to watch over the water and keep everyone safe as well as concession workers to make and sell food and drinks. You could also consider working in a restaurant or store. Restaurants need hosts, waiters, counter workers, bussers, and kitchen assistants to keep the restaurant running smoothly. Retail jobs are commonly held by young people. In this position, you could stock shelves, arrange displays, and assist customers. Clearly, there are numerous opportunities, which may vary depending on your age, to become involved in during the summer.

Benefits of Summer Employment

As you think about applying for different jobs this summer, you will probably wonder why you should even consider getting a job. There are plenty of benefits to getting a job this summer. The most obvious reason to get a job is for the money. Most jobs available for teens and youth pay at least minimum wage or more. This provides for gas money, food, or shopping. You could even save up for college, a car, or a house. Having a job will allow you to stay active. You will probably work on a consistent basis and begin to form a schedule. Otherwise, your tendency in the summer may be to slack off too much. Your summer job will also improve your resume, meaning that colleges and prospective employers would love to see previous job experiences. If your job is tied to professional goals, it will give you experience in the field and opportunities to talk to people with your dream job. For example, if you are a runner in a law firm, making copies and delivering papers, you will gain first hand experience in a law firm and be able to regularly meet with lawyers. Colleges and prospective employers will definitely take this into consideration while reviewing your application. On the other hand, your summer job may not at all reflect your future career goals. In this case, you will still have working experience to show colleges or your prospective employer, which is beneficial. For instance, having work experience may help show that you are responsible, hard working, or a good communicator. Remember, colleges and prospective employers are interested in applicants with something that sets them apart from everyone else. So, even if your job is not directly related to your future career, it still adds value to your resume. Lastly, a summer job can be fun and a great way to socialize. Working with your co-workers, you will make plenty of friends and tons of memories along the way.

Depending on where you live, there may be limited job opportunities for youth during the summer due to covid. For this reason, you should go ahead and start considering different jobs now as you plan out your summer. As you think about different jobs, consider what type of job you want. How often do you want to work? What do you want to obtain from your summer work experience? Check out what jobs are available in person or online and use your network to start making inquiries about opportunities that may not be posted. Go get your summer dream job!



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