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The Benefits of Learning a Second Language

With over 6,500 languages being spoken today, many people are accustomed to only one or two. There is no doubt that being able to speak another language can be exhilarating, especially when you consider the various benefits that come with being able to do so. From being able to communicate with foreigners easier and generating an abundance of additional career opportunities, learning a new language has many benefits to offer. With that being said, here are the reasons why you should consider learning a new language.

Better Memory/Brain Power

Studies have shown that taking the time to practice and learn the content of a new language can significantly boost your memory. The reason for this is because when learning a new language, different parts of your brain that correlate with your ability to memorize words and concepts are used. You are memorizing a completely different set of vocabulary as well as learning the new concepts and rules that come with it. Using this new language will train your brain to recognize when and how to use the different concepts that you have practiced. Studies have shown that people who can speak and understand more than one language tend to be able to solve certain mental puzzles and multitask while being able to stay focused. In addition, learning a new language will help you in the long term as well. It has been proven that learning a new language helps you avoid cognitive decline while you age, ultimately acting as a shield against disorders such as dementia.

Provides New Career Opportunities

In addition to serving as a catalyst to your memory, learning new languages can provide you with additional career opportunities and privileges. For example, learning a global language such as Spanish creates a great advantage when it comes to interviews for jobs, especially positions within the field of tourism. The reason for this is because employers like to recruit people who can communicate with those who can’t speak and understand English as well. Studies have shown that bilingual employees can earn between 5% and 20% more money per hour than people who are monolingual. Some of the most ideal languages to know how to speak include German, Arabic, French, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Italian, Chinese, and Hindu. These, of course, can vary from where you are.

Increases Networking Skills

Learning a new language has many benefits in the work industry, especially when you are trying to effectively communicate with different audiences and build new connections. Showing that you have put the work into learning a new language will convince your audience that you are dedicated to doing whatever you can to be able to build connections with different cultures and backgrounds. According to, the top five most important languages for an entrepreneur or business professional are Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, English, and Chinese. Learning these languages can certainly help you in the field of business, especially since many businesses collaborate from all around the world.

Easier to Communicate with Foreigners From Different Countries

One of the more obvious benefits of learning a new language is being able to communicate with foreigners. In turn, the number of countries you can visit would be limited as you might find yourself not being able to communicate with the people there as easily. Even if you learn the basics of the language, such as asking how to find the nearest restroom or asking a waiter at a restaurant for a spoon, it can certainly help a lot. When I went to Spain with my family over the summer a couple of years ago, I was able to make use of my high school Spanish class and ask the employee at McDonald’s for napkins; I was pretty proud of myself!

Boost Your Self Esteem

One of the most rewarding parts of learning a new language is the feeling of accomplishment. Learning a new language can be tedious, which is why it is important to pat yourself on the back after completing your first conversation in that language. Doing so boosts your confidence and makes you proud of the work and dedication that you put in learning the new vocabulary, conjugations, phrases, etc. In addition, you will be able to use this new skill whenever and wherever, because learning a new language trains your brain in many different ways. Being able to master a new language is the same as mastering any other skill because it requires hard work and discipline.

Mastering a new language is never an easy task. Learning the new conjugations, vocabulary, grammar rules, phrases, etc can be difficult and time-consuming. However, being able to successfully learn even the simplest phrases of a new language can go a long way in terms of the benefits it has. If you ever find yourself to have a lot of free time on your hands, consider taking the time to do yourself a favor and start learning a new language!



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