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Book VS Movie Adaptations

The book or the movie? Which is better? This has become one of the most popular subjects of debate among people of all ages and it is easy to get carried away as you argue your point. As an avid reader and movie enthusiast, I experienced this myself when a friend and I decided to watch Percy Jackson and The Lightning Theif.

I will always be the friend who will be up for a movie marathon. However, I was even more excited than usual to watch this one because I have read and re-read the books a million times. Once the movie was over, I was disappointed and I was also a little angry. However, my friend thought the film was fantastic, sparking a heated debate that lasted for almost an hour. Each of us argued our side with so much passion, that it looked like a court case was unfolding in my bedroom.

The fates of literature and films have been intertwined for a long time, especially as the inspiration for the plots of films began to be drawn from books, eventually turning into complete film adaptations. While books have been around for longer and have proven to be very useful and entertaining, movies quickly rose to fame and have proven to be an effective and equally enjoyable way to see a story unfold.

But it’s a whole other story when it comes to book-to-movie adaptations. There are pros and cons to both, and there is no clear answer when it comes to which is better. You can see through my short anecdote above that there are movies that have seriously messed up the book and upset millions of book enthusiasts around the globe. Likewise, some adaptations are beautiful and truly bring the story to life. So I will provide you with some of the facts and you decide…. Which is better?

1. Movies bring your imagination to life, but oftentimes books paint a clearer picture.

Books give you incredible insight into the emotions and thoughts of the characters. We get to see everything described in vivid detail through their eyes and observe the story unfold. You really get the chance to put yourself in the character’s shoes and see the characters develop.

However, movies help you visualize what you can only imagine. They paint the picture for you and you get to immerse yourself in the movie.

2. It takes less time to watch a movie, but books have more details.

Take the Percy Jackson adaptation for instance. It’s the small details that really tied the whole thing together. Annabeth is clearly described with “stormy gray eyes” and blonde hair. The movies portray her with brown hair and eyes that are certainly not gray.

This also messes up parts of the sequels, as romance blossoms between the two.

It’s the little things that count.


1. Harry Potter Franchise

The Harry Potter movies do an incredible job of bringing the story to life. The actors deliver great performances and the story is kept the same. The emotions can make you laugh, cry, or even both at the same time, and overall it's a treat to the eyes.

2. The Baby-Sitters Club

This is actually a web series on Netflix based on the books and it does a great job exploring the dynamics of what middle and high school life are like, especially as the teens balance their business and their personal lives.

3. Lord of the Rings

I have personally not watched this movie, but I do know that this franchise is well known for staying faithful to the plots of the books and being an entertaining trilogy.

In conclusion, both movies and books have something to bring to the table and both can prove to be great. Some movie adaptations outshine the books and some books will always remain classics that are better than the movies.



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